New members are always welcome to apply. There is no need to hold a radio license, but if you are interested in electronics and/or radio communications and you would like to obtain your own license and radio call sign then we will help you achieve that goal. Membership fees for Adults are $50 per year and free of charge for Students/Youths up to 18 years of age. Membership fees are used to fund repeater licensing and construction, equipment maintenance, insurance, and new equipment for the Club as we continue to grow.

What do I gain by becoming a member?

You will be part of a growing number of radio enthusiasts in the Far South Coast and Snowy Mountain regions who enjoy radio communications over a very large area.

You will have the opportunity to experience and learn about a range of exciting radio communication technologies that will put you in touch with others around the region, Australia, and the World.

We offer advice and assistance to design, repair, and complete your radio-related projects.

Participate in a variety of amateur radio contests throughout the year usually out in different off-grid locations called Field Days where we enjoy testing and using radio technology to connect with other Amateurs off the power grid in a relaxed social setting.

As a member, you will be invited to and entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings, attend various scheduled meetings, and participate in all our other events.

Come and Join Us!

Click on the following link to download our Application Form:

Complete the form and mail it to:

The Secretary
PO Box 43
Perisher Valley NSW 2624

Once received, we’ll process your application and will be in touch as soon as possible.
